Legacy Giving Society

Create a Home for Your Jewish Legacy

Since the first Shabbat dinner in 2006, Moishe House has grown to empower and unite young Jewish adults across the globe. Today, the organization engages 65,000+ unique participants annually and supports 11,000+ peer-led Jewish experiences. With ever-scaling community building programs, expanding alumni efforts and innovative programs to engage new segments of the young adult population, Moishe House is poised to drastically expand its footprint in the greater Jewish community over the next decade.

To support this growth, we’ve created the Legacy Giving Society to make a home for your Jewish legacy.

Making Moishe House a part of your legacy will ensure:

A Legacy Gift to Moishe House is really about the sustainability of Moishe House and its critical role in young adult Jewish engagement. Every generation of Jewish young adults , on a global basis, should be offered the opportunity, through Moishe House (and other organizations), to connect to the global Jewish community, and I hope that a meaningful Legacy Gift will help to facilitate this opportunity. – Russ and Leslie Robinson, Houston

Legacy gifts serve as a catalyst for continued growth, and it is our hope that by committing to Moishe House in this way, it will serve as a lasting reminder to my children and succeeding generations of the values that are most important to us. It is the best way to help ensure that Moishe House will continue to grow and thrive long after we are gone.” Jill and Bob Smith, NYC

Legacy Giving Society Members

  • Shiva and Jarrod Beck
  • Dottie Bennett
  • Ally Berman and Michael Godin
  • Diana Warth Bregman and Justin Bregman
  • Larry Cohn
  • David and Myka Cygielman
  • Caren and Charles Gale
  • Lander and Kari Gold
  • Paul Goldenberg, z"l
  • Nicole Graham-Lusher and Ben Lusher
  • Tiffany Harris
  • David Hyman
  • Rachael and Spencer Kallick
  • Roey Kruvi
  • Cortney Lederer and Stefan Teodosic
  • Michelle Lebowits and Michael Bender
  • Eric and Susan Lerner
  • Marshall and Doreen Lerner
  • Daryl Messinger and Jim Heeger
  • Liz Naman
  • Dale and Mike Nissenson
  • Tamar Remz
  • Leslie and Russ Robinson
  • Jen and Andrew Rosen
  • Jonah Rothstein
  • Pam and Ron Rubin
  • Jill W. and Robert C. Smith
  • Kevin L. Waldman

    *As of October 2022

Already named Moishe House in your estate plan? Interested in learning more? Please fill out the form below as we would love to discuss your options and express our gratitude.

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